Dress Hunt

Dad, Matt, you are NOT NOT NOT allowed to read this! If you found it, STOP RIGHT NOW!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Dress 3

With this dress I emphasize a rather odd quality of David's Bridal dresses: the, how shall I say, ample busom. That's boning, ladies. I could fit all kinds of things in there. (Boning! Very expensive to alter!)

Probably also explains the ample "full coverage" triangles of Dress 2. And, somebody explain to me the not-quite empire waist which is just above the natural waist?

Statler and Waldorf really liked the back, which was gathered in sort of a radiating star pattern. I think the best part about that dress was that someone's mom came across the partition and saw it and was like, "oooh, that IS a great back!" and no doubt made her darling daughter try it on.


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